Friday, May 1, 2009

Eleanor Hoffman Grunberg '46

This story is from Eleanor Hoffman Grunberg '46:

"The years at YSN will always be special since I have such amazing memories while I was a student. Assigned to the Isolation Ward, I was told that the patient -- a graduate student -- had a miserable temperament. Although he was somewhat polite to me while I was caring for him, in time the annoyances he presented were more than I could tolerate. I then very purposely cut my finger a little -- but enough to have me transferred to another floor. The next rotation was Dermatology Clinic and who should be the 'doctor' in charge but my former annoying patient. This time his personality had improved -- no doubt because he had recovered from what ailed him before. The next logical step, of course, was that we dated and then eventually got married. I like to say with a straight face that I met my husband in bed! He was such a miserable patient -- but a fine man."

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